Thursday, 19 November 2015

More Lost World and Strange Aeons Miniatures!

My latest lot of figures from the inimitable Matt (of Glenbrook Games) arrived yesterday! This month sees a return to The Lost World with Antediluvian Miniatures' 'Lost World Adventurers'...

Dr Abner Perry, David Innes and Loana, the Fair One

...and 'Lemurian Warlord and Guardians'...

Lemurian Warlord and Guardians

Lemurian Warlord and Guardians well as Lucid Eye's second pack of 'Amazon Warriors'...

Amazon Warriors

...and some more 'Atlanteans'.

Atlantean Slave Master and Atlanteans

Atlantean Slave Master and Atlanteans

I shall add the Lemurians and Lost World Adventurers to my In Her Majesty's Name 'Lost World' setting some time over the next few weeks and update the PDF.

There are also a few new figures for Strange Aeons and Pulp Alley! Some North Star Cultists from the Servants of Ra pack, painted up as Cultists of the Black Goat with a couple of Formless Things from CP Models...

Cultists of the Black Goat with Formless Things

Cultists of the Black Goat with Formless Things

Formless Things well as a few more characters for Section O of the British Intelligence Service from Artizan's Thrilling Tales range.

Section O

Section O

Matt has, as always, done a brilliant job! Can't wait to get these figs onto the table!

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