Tuesday, 15 August 2017


Moving house this week. And we're going to be without broadband until the end of August beginning of September...it seems calling BT two weeks before the move was leaving things too late. Grrr. So this blog will be taking a little holiday. Back in September!

Sunday, 13 August 2017

IPMS Avon Plastic Model and Wargaming Show 2017

Sadly this year I'm not going to my local wargames show, even though it's in my home town...just to much to do as we're (finally!) moving house next week (for the last time)...but I'd recommend it for anyone nearby.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Dracula's America...

Just time for a quick post while I wait on hold to do another address change...Dracula's America arrived today!

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Pulp Agent, Wargames Illustrated's Latest Giants-in-Miniature

I'm back...sort of. Back from a great two weeks in Cornwall but now busy getting everything ready for the big move next week. So things will still be a bit quiet on the blogging front.

I did, however, notice Wargames Illustrated's latest Giants-in-Miniature fig...Pulp Agent Agent Peggleton!

Sometimes the best man for the job is a woman.
                                                Agent Peggleton
Agent Peggleton is a woman in a man’s world – and she’s better than most of them. A veteran of countless special operations during World War Two, she continues to use her prodigious analytical and combat skills to investigate threats to Democracy and overcome the enemies of Freedom. With her cut glass British accent and her classical looks, she’s a devastatingly attractive woman who can be relied upon to use her feminine wiles and combat skills in equal measure. She wields her trusty Thompson submachine gun in her quest for justice. At times, she suffers at the hands of the sexism endemic to the late 1940’s, constantly striving to prove herself.
Lovely fig and one I have already ordered! Agent Carter figs seem to be a bit like buses...you wait for ages and then two come along at once! Ivor Evans (Saturday Mornings blog) will be happy to have another mini for his superb Agent Carter Pulp Alley games!